And Say Yes To

Georgia Consumers

Why These Bills Matter

As Georgia’s auto dealers go “all in” on EVs, some electric vehicle manufacturers want an exception to state law that protects consumers, local jobs and communities. These manufacturers falsely claim that they need an exception to state law to allow them to sell directly to consumers, without using local dealerships. They claim that local dealerships are unwilling and incapable to selling EVs.

Georgia’s franchised dealers are ready, willing, and able to sell EVs and are already doing so. EVs don’t need a different distribution system. If any vehicle manufacturer wants to sell its vehicles in Georgia, there is a step that is much simpler than changing Georgia law: just appoint a dealer, and that dealer will do the rest.

EV Commitment

Georgia’s Auto Dealers Are All In on EV

10+ Years In the Making

Georgia dealers have been selling EVs for more than a decade. Sales are expected to increase tremendously in the next few years.

Millions Invested

Georgia dealers are investing millions of dollars to prepare for additional EVs under development.

More Job Opportunity

Georgia dealers are hiring a new generation of team members who are experts in explaining the features of EVs to Georgians and servicing the more than 100 models of EVs anticipated in the next few years.

Auto Dealer Strengths

Good for Consumers & Local Communities

Staying Local

When a car is sold at a dealership, most of the proceeds from that sale go directly back to the local community in the form of wages, capital investments and charitable giving.

Low Prices

Dealer competition ensures Georgians can almost always get a good price on a new car from a dealer.

Dealer Service

When cars need to be fixed, Georgia’s new car dealers are often the first stop. They ensure warranty service is provided, that recalls are completed and that Georgia’s roads are as safe as possible. Dealers ensure reliable and convenient warranty service.

EVs Available at Georgia Dealers This Year

By The Numbers


New EVs sold through Q2 2021
(Source: Atlas EV Hub)


Different EV models available
(Source: Atlas EV Hub)


Average employee salary
(including benefits)


Paid in Georgia state and local taxes in 2021


Employees at Dealerships and 75,000+ through dealers, suppliers and others


Seller of EVs per capita in the Southeast


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the GADA?

GADA represents approximately 500 franchised new car and truck dealers in all parts of Georgia.

What is GADA’s position on EVs?

Our dealers strongly support the development and deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) in Georgia. Many GADA dealers have been selling and servicing EVs for more than a decade. In fact, our membership includes some of the most successful EV dealers in the country.

Georgia auto dealers recognize and embrace that the automotive retail industry is changing. It is estimated that 100 new EV models will be available over the next three years. These EVs are being developed by established manufacturers and will be sold through franchise dealers.

But some new entrants to the market have suggested that franchise dealers cannot sell EVs, or do not want to sell EVs. Our dealers are ready, willing and able to sell any vehicle a customer wants to buy.

What are these bills hoping to accomplish?

The new bills would allow electric vehicle manufacturers to sell electric vehicles directly to consumers. The bills would allow manufacturers to control pricing for their vehicles and eliminate local price competition.

Why is this proposal a bad idea?

When franchise dealers compete for your business, customers benefit from competitive pricing and quality customer service. That is why you can almost always negotiate a lower price on a new car from a dealer and why there are thousands of highly trained, certified technicians throughout Georgia who will fix your vehicle, enforce your warranty, and resolve any recalls quickly and correctly. Ultimately, direct sales by manufacturers will mean dealerships closing and a loss of jobs for hard-working Georgians. These bills will also likely impact the jobs of more than 30,000 Georgians directly employed at franchised auto dealers in order to line the pockets of wealthy, out-of-state investors.

If any of the proposed legislation passes, it won’t just be dealers and their employees who suffer. Georgia citizens will pay more for electric vehicles than they would if sold through franchise dealers. They will also pay more for service, and there will be fewer, if any, repair facilities that Georgians who own directly sold EVs can access with convenience. This means warranty repairs and recalls could be delayed or denied.

Moreover, many of the economic benefits from these companies will not stay in Georgia, as they do with franchised dealers.  

How are these bills different from the legislation passed in 2015 that allows Tesla to sell directly to consumers?

The new bills are very different from legislation passed in 2015. The 2015 legislation was passed to address the electric vehicle market as it existed then and to give a startup electric vehicle company an opportunity to get its feet off the ground. At that time, the only other fully electric vehicle on the market was the Nissan Leaf, and there were virtually no electric offerings on the way. The 2015 legislation preserved the basic framework of the franchise system while at the same time allowing a startup manufacturer to operate a limited number of locations. If more than five locations are desired or needed due to demand, independent dealers would then be used. Unlike the 2015 legislation, the new bills do not have any such limitations that would preserve the benefits of the franchise system.   

These bills are not about making electric vehicles more accessible to Georgia consumers - they are about controlling pricing and every aspect of the consumer experience during the lifecycle of the vehicle. If the intention of electric vehicle manufacturers is to increase availability of electric vehicles, they would want to use a distribution system that reaches throughout the state. The proposed legislation is not about choices, it is about control. The bills are nothing more than a power trip.

Does the 2015 legislation allow Tesla to operate a monopoly over the distribution of electric vehicles?

Absolutely not. Other manufacturers, such as GM, Nissan, Volvo, and Audi now distribute electric vehicles in Georgia THROUGH their local franchised dealers who compete every day for the business of Georgia consumers. Electric vehicle manufacturers could easily distribute their vehicles and compete in Georgia if they wanted to do so. The proponents of the new legislation don’t want to use INDEPENDENT dealers who can negotiate prices and deliver value to consumers. Instead, the electric vehicle manufacturers behind these new bills want to control prices and every other aspect of doing business with Georgia consumers.

Will these bills cut costs by eliminating dealer “middlemen”?

No. The suggestion that allowing manufacturers to sell directly to consumers will eliminate middlemen and cut costs highlights a huge myth about how the retail automotive industry works. Dealers are not middlemen. They are customers of the manufacturers. Dealers buy their inventories from manufacturers and bear the costs associated with selling and servicing those vehicles. Allowing manufacturers to sell directly doesn’t eliminate those costs; it just shifts them from the dealers to the manufacturers, allowing manufacturers to control the pricing of vehicles and service. The end result is that costs stay the same, but consumers lose the benefit of having multiple sellers of the same product competing for their benefit.